Constitution & Bylaws
Download the CLASS constitution and bylaws or view them below.
Originally adopted: May 25, 1950.
Last amended: June 22, 2023.
The purpose of this organization shall be as follows:
Section 1: To afford a medium for the discussion of identified needs, mutual problems and alternative solutions.
Section 2: To review, monitor, discuss and provide input into the formation of legislation and regulations affecting social service needs of state residents.
Section 3: To facilitate the development and implementation of professional training that relates to the delivery of municipal social services.
Section 1: REGULAR MEMBERS. The municipal employee who is the administrative head of Social Services.
Section 2: ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. The municipal employee who is an assistant administrator or staff member may be an associate member.
Section 3: HONORARY MEMBERS. Any former member of the Association who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association my be granted honorary membership, provided that written notice of the proposal for honorary memberships shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration. If approved, the name(s) shall be presented at a regular meeting. A membership list shall be mailed annually to each Honorary Member whose address is known.
Section 4: FRIENDS OF C.L.A.S.S. Any individual or agency may become a FRIEND OF C.L.A.S.S. by paying the dues established for an Associate Member. FRIENDS OF C.L.A.S.S. shall not have the right of vote normally associated with membership in C.L.A.S.S., but shall receive mailings and notices and regular membership rates for all meetings, training events and conferences of C.L.A.S.S.
Section 5: MEMBERSHIP TRANFERS. When the member is disassociated from the office which qualified him/her for membership, the Regular membership of such member shall be transferred to his/her successor.
Section 6: CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERS. The Executive Committee shall have the right to determine the membership of any member, and may reject the request for membership of any person other than the administrator.
Section 7. Voting.
a. The right to vote is restricted to Members whose dues are paid in full.
b. A member may vote by written proxy or ballot.
Section 8. Each Town/City may have not more than three voting members to the Association. No more than one member from a Town/City may serve as an Executive Officer.
Section 1. The annual dues of Regular Members and Associate Members shall be voted on at the Annual Meeting each May by the membership following a report of the Finance Committee, which shall include a recommended budget and a recommended dues amount. Dues shall be payable as of July 1st and mailed to the address designated by the Treasurer and will be considered delinquent after August 31st
Section 2. Honorary Members. No dues.
Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of the following months: January, February, March, April, September and October and the first Thursday in December. A Regular Meeting may be rescheduled or a Special Meeting called upon written notification to every member 10 days prior to the Regular Meeting date or the scheduled Meeting date, whichever is earlier.
Section 2. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting shall be on the third Thursday in May, at which time the annual operating budget will be presented and acted upon.
Section 3. Special Meetings. Special Meetings may be called by the President or upon the written request of fifteen (15) members directed to the President. Written notice of any Special Meeting shall be given by mail to every member not less than ten (10) days prior to meeting and shall state the purpose for which it is called.
Section 4. Quorum. Fifteen (15) Members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Association.
Section 5. Committee Reports. All chairpersons of Standing and Special Committees shall present written committee reports for filing with the Secretary at the Annual Meeting. Such reports may be read if the business of the meeting makes such presentations desirable and the written reports shall be retained by the Secretary for reference as needed.
Section 6. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from July 1st to June 30th
Section 1. The Officers shall consist of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Term of office shall commence July 1st.
Section 2. The Officers shall be elected annually at the May meeting and, except for the Secretary and Treasurer, cannot succeed themselves more than once in the same office.
Section 3. Vacancy. A vacancy in any office may be filled for the unexpired portion of the term of such office by the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Filling an unexpected term of office shall not be counted as a term.
Section 5. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, Ex-Officio, the current officers and the Chairpersons of the Standing and Special Committees.
Section 6. Quorum. Seven (7) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 7. Fiscal Powers. The Executive Committee, in furtherance of the purposes of the Association, may from time to time, authorize expenditures of funds in addition to expenditures authorized by any meeting: such expenditures shall not exceed $500.00 in any one fiscal year.
Section 8. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, appoint Special Committees as needed; be an ExOfficio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; in the absence of the Treasurer, sign all checks and perform such other duties as are prescribed by these By-Laws.
Section 9. The 1st Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee and perform the duties of the President.
Section 10. The 2nd Vice President shall, in the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President, preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee and perform the duties of the President.
Section 11. The Secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of all the business transacted by either; and file, preserve reports and records; be custodian of the Corporate Seal, conduct all correspondence and keep copies of the same.
Section 1. Not later than the Regular Business Meeting in March, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of up to five (5) Members.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall draw up a slate of officers of Members, such slate to be presented to the membership in writing at least ten (10) days before the Annual Meeting in May. The report of the Committee shall be made at the Annual Meeting.
Section 3. At the May meeting, the Committee Chairperson will present the slate of officers to the membership, at which time nominations will be accepted from the floor.
Section 4. Election of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting in May and shall be by ballot when two or more members are contesting for a single office.
Section 5. The President shall appoint three tellers, none of whom shall be a nominee for office.
Section 6. The appointed tellers shall, when balloting is necessary, distribute to and collect from the Members ballots for each office being contested, shall tally the results and convey such results to the presiding officer who shall announce the results to the membership.
Chairpersons of each Standing, Special and Ad Hoc Committees are appoint by the President. Each Committee may spend up to $100 of their approved budget without prior authorization. Any expenditures in excess of $100 but not exceeding $500 must have prior approval of the Executive Board. All expenditures in excess of $500 must be prior approved by the General membership. Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Officers.
The STANDING COMMITTEES and their duties are as follows:
- Conference Committee
- Constitution and By-Laws
- Finance
- Hospitality
- Legislation
- Membership
- Policy/Regulations
- Program
- Nominating
Section 1. The Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson and shall be composed of the number of members deemed appropriate by the Chairperson. The President, who is an Ex-Officio member of each Committee, may delegate one or both Vice Presidents to attend any meeting. The Chairperson of the Standing Committee shall be appointed by the President.
Section 2. The Conference Committee plans an Annual June Conference on a date to be decided by the membership.
Section 3. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall receive and present to the Association with its recommendations, all amendments to these by-laws. This Committee shall question any deviation from the Constitution and ByLaws.
Section 4. The Finance Committee shall audit the books of the officers prior to the Annual Meeting and Shall also audit the Treasurer’s books at any time a change takes place.
Section 5. The Hospitality Committee shall notify members of illness or death of a member, shall greet and introduce new members and guests and shall assist in seating members for prompt openings of meetings.
Section 6. The Legislative Committee shall initiate and bring before the membership legislative recommendations. If these changes are approved by a majority of the membership, the committee shall carry through to completion.
Section 7. The Membership committee shall recruit members, complete the membership list to disseminate to all members including Honorary members.
Section 8. The Policy/Regulations Committee shall promote a liaison between the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services in order to assist in developing and revising assistance standards and implementing training programs.
Section 9. The Program Committee shall be responsible for detailed arrangements of all meetings.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of this Association except the September meeting, by a majority vote of Members present or voting by written proxy, provided the proposed amendment(s) shall have been presented to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee under Article VIII, Section 2, and mailed to each Member at least ten (10) days prior to the regular meeting at which the vote will be taken.
ORDER OF BUSINESS shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- Treasurer Report
- President’s Report/Comments
- Committee Reports
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Announcements/Other Business
- Adjournment
Section 1. The rules may be amended at any regular meeting by a majority of those present and voting. The rules may be suspended at any meeting by general consent or by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting upon a motion dully presented for that purpose.
Section 2. The meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised to facilitate the smooth functioning of this assembly.
The laws of the State of Connecticut in which CALAGA (CLASS after July 1, 1998) is incorporated, shall be followed in any dissolution of said organization. A vote of the membership to rescind the By-laws will be required. The vote will be held at any regular meeting. Members shall be notified by mail at least ten days before the meeting. Said notice will state the reasons for said dissolution. Assets of the organization will be distributed to organizations with similar objectives with a vote by the members of CLASS.